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Earth to God, Come In Please . . . , Book 1
Earth to God, Come In Please . . . , Book 1
Harold Klemp as Series Editor
Item #: 018140


The Voice of God resonates through all creation. The shepherd Moses heard and saw It in the burning bush while on the mountaintop. The ancients harkened to the sacred oracles. But how does the Voice of God speak to the space age?

How do we get answers to our heartfelt questions—answers that come not from faith or wishful thinking, but from direct experience and knowing?

Earth to God, Come In Please . . . is a book of more than seventy stories, compiled from the annual Eckankar Journal, by writers who have observed the ECK (Holy Spirit) at work in their lives. Their stories show how we can make contact with the Voice of God, for spiritual knowledge and awareness beyond words.

You can try unique visualizations, attitudes, and approaches shared by the authors. Practiced daily, they can expand your awareness of how life works. Their methods range from keeping a journal of your dreams to fine-tuning your intuition, from singing a special word that opens your heart to God’s love to watching how your pet teaches you.

As you read their accounts, you will share lessons in love and spiritual freedom that changed them deeply. All the stories reflect the teachings of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God.

Join these writers in discovering how the Mahanta can lead you to realize a greater purpose in your life.

See the complete Table of Contents.

(large paperback, 350 pages)

Also Available . . .

More Earth to God, Come In Please . . .
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Harold Klemp as Series Editor
Item #: 018270
Price: $15.00
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